Annual Termite Inspection Melbourne
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Many parts of our great city and suburbs already feature properties in need of annual termite control measures. With approaching four hundred different termite species identified across Australia, and more than two dozen already acknowledged as costly timber pests, it’s important to keep on top of any potential problems. As a key to annual termite control, many Melburnians already believe that a Buywise inspection of their home is always a wise investment.
An Annual Termite Inspection includes:
Fully licensed and experienced pest technician.
Our technicians are more than happy to discuss any pest-related queries you may have in regards to your home
Same-day reporting
Free quote for a preventative or remedial termite treatment.
The cost of your inspection deducted from any termite treatment carried out (conditions apply).
Latest Thermal Imaging Camera and Terma-trac (motion detection).
Over the years, more than fifty thousand customers have turned to our independently operated company for their timber, and other Pest and Building Inspection needs. Many have contributed to our terrific Google Rating (you’ll find it on this page; please click to read some of our many testimonials).
Each year we complete more than 3,000 inspections; our team comprises of both a registered builder and a licensed pest inspector. We back that up with top microwave and thermal imaging technology.
Unlike some, Buywise actively welcomes our clients being present during one of our inspections. If you want to be there, simply let us know when you book – we’ll lay aside a little extra time for a discussion with our inspector on the completion of their collecting of all the necessary evidence.
Our rates are seriously competitive, and all our work is fully insured and in compliance with the relevant Australian Standards. Remember too that if there is any termite treatment we undertake as a result of the inspection, then the cost of our initial inspection is deducted from the final invoice. *Conditions apply – please ask for more information.
So, if termites are on your mind, then make sure an inspection of your property is on our schedule. We complete our reports onsite and they are ready for you either the same day or early the next morning.
Recent studies show that more than one in three houses will suffer termite damage at some stage in its life.
In many cases, termite damage will occur in concealed areas behind plaster in your walls and may be undetectable to the naked eye, which is where our expertise and high-tech equipment is imperitive.
We can also bring other pest control issues to your attention at the time of inspection.
Termites only need a gap of 1.6mm in a concrete slab around a water or waste pipe through the slab to enter your home and attack structural timbers.
Also, houses on a concrete slab are harder to treat for termites as internal drilling may be required through the slab.